Saturday, 5 July 2014

Music cruise could be a feature in July's music jam party

Ping Penguin Scoop!

Hi there,

It seems a musical boat cruise could be a feature of the Music Jam 2014.

When looking at the new backgrounds in this month's Penguin Style catalogue, I found what may be a clue to what's coming up! 
Check this out -

Above - The cover page of the catalogue which features a penguin dressed as a captain, he has music notes on his uniform which indicates this may be to do with the Music Jam.

Above - These backgrounds include the view from a ship, and anchors.

Cadance will also be playing her part in the music jam, releasing a new song and joining the penguin band to make this years Jam unforgettable!

Cadance also announced in issue #454 of Club Penguin times that a new way to mix tracks will be coming! 

Above - Cadance announced a new way to mix songs called SoundStudio, which she describes as "Totes SWEET!!!".
The new feature will launch on on 17th July.

I can't wait to see what the Music Jam has to offer! 

Thank you for reading another post by ping5672.

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